Dec 4, 2010

Til death do us part


My father died. We had two miscarriages.
We got into an accident with a hit and run driver, helping support friends who gone through cancer, job loss, welfare, divorce...

The list is long.

I've watched my wife go through her very difficult moments with our miscarriages. We spent two years trying and we've just said with deep sigh: if we get pregnant it'll be a miracle. We joked about how Michele might get pregnant after our ectopic pregnancy with one fallopian tube. It didn't happen.

This is one year where every month either my wife or I were crying.

Yet through it all, during one poignant moment when my wife was grieving I whispered holding her, "I'd do it all over again to walk this journey with you." Through the pain, the tears, the exhaustion, the grief and the sorrows - I'd still be by her side.

That's love - a commitment to stand with someone when the joy of is gone. Anyone will stand with you in the sunshine, but when the bitter cold winds and rain comes in a dark grey cloud you find out who you really are.

I remember my vow - and I gladly take it again for my wife. She's been there for me through this sorrowful year. She saw me at my worse and lowest - when days I couldn't roll out of bed overcome by the sorrows of life. My wife's love brought healing like a balm and I am thankful I never missed my 'once a month' flowers for her. It's that simple promise I made to her when were married. I'll always buy those flowers.

In lieu of this I don't see my life as 'sucking'. I see the reason why soldiers bond so well: you go through things that unless you were there - people have no idea of what you're talking about. That's the bond of a soldier to one another: brothers-in-arms.

Life is hard - that's why when you commit yourself to someone you want to know truly who will be there through thick and thin.
My wife is my friend, companion, strength and inspiration.

I can honestly say in 2010 we've traversed our battlefield scarred, but more loyal to one another than ever.