Jun 30, 2007

Joseph like unto Jesus

• Joseph was sold for 30 pieces of silver, Jesus was also sold for the same amount.
• Joseph was in the pit and got out, so did Jesus.
• Joseph had 12 brothers with him, one stood with him Rueben, Jesus had 12 disciples one stood with him - John.
• Joseph was stripped of his coat, Jesus was stripped of everything too.
• Joseph was with two people in trial, Jesus was with two thieves.
• Joseph asked the baker to remember, the baker forgot. Jesus was asked by the thief to remember, Jesus remembered.

The baker, like men might forget us, but Jesus doesn't forget about us.


All that is not eternal is eternally useless.

One of the sources of discouragement of not having a job is setting your hopes too much on immediate gratification that you will get one soon. Not having a job is not end of the world (people in Japan leap to their death sometimes when they lose their jobs). Life is certainly more than work. Life is more than what is found in the here and now.

I want to be a productive member of society as much as the next person, but this 'break' gives great time for reflection.

For some that reflection comes quickly. Life stopped for the couple on vacationing who lost their daughter to kidnappers. Life stopped for families of five cheerleaders who were killed coming back from a camp.

What we hold so dear to us suddenly gets reset when life stops.

The recent news of a terrorist plot averted by God's grace in London reminded me life is very fleeting. Truly, I want to live for things that echoes into eternity. Things like, "He loved his wife, family and friends." "He loved God."

Jun 26, 2007

Feeling like a King

Nothing bruises, or scares a decent man more than not having a job after being laid off.

I've never been one to adopt a life-plan of having a sugar 'mama', but Michele's the breadwinner at this point. Yet through it all, her demeanor and support as been nothing short of beautiful in every way. Every kiss, hug, and look is always a look that makes paupers feel like kings.

For that support sweetie: I wished I could have married you earlier - so I could love you more years.


Also, I can feel the prayers of people across the country. No worries, just a calm.

God never ceases to amaze me.

Jun 23, 2007

Reception or Not?



They always have some ramifications...whether you like it or not.

I was faced with canceling my California reception when I found out I got laid off.

Michele and I decided to not cancel the reception, besides the fact that we already sent out the invitations before I got laid off.

It's going to cost, but this might be the only time I see San Luis Obispo again for a long time. I'm no longer employed there - but my friends are there...and I do miss them greatly - maybe a last reunion of sorts because it's hard to gather so many people for something like that. Funerals are a good gathering events, but it's not one anyone wants to go to. So, a MORE JOYOUS OCCASION is certainly one to take advantage of.

Memories cannot be duplicated, only created.

Jun 22, 2007

Uh a new journey?

Laid off.

...those are two words that are never good, and filled with more trepidation when you're married and starting off.

Worked for the same company close to eight years, and have always been steadfast loyal to it. It was a good company and it's BUSINESS. Nothing personal.

I am not angry, bitter or dismayed. A bit spooked by the whole event, but at the same time excited about the new changes that might await. At the same time, I've learned to pull whatever you can to scrape by for the time being - unfortunately my networking net is not too large here.

There's a mantra, "It's WHO you know not WHAT you know."

It's nice to know God is in the picture, because it would alot more difficult. However, it's not as strange as my friend Chris, the day he came back from his honeymoon (got married the same day as me) he found his company closed down for business! He couldn't access his email, or get voice mail, until this reply, "Sorry I didn't leave a voice mail, but didn't want to bum you out. You WERE coming back from your honeymoon."

So Chris and I talked, prayed and encouraged each other. Same boat, but at least I'm not paying $900.00 for a one bedroom apartment. Things are bit cheaper here, but the challenge of everything is nonetheless the same.

Women in my life

I had some great women in my life.
Women who were great friends and sisters-in-Christ that is.

None of them would exceed my woman, my wife - though!

"T" is one, and she still reminds me of Julia Roberts. Down to earth, and I declare: she is still the same when I met her. The mother of a bunch of kids and wife to an imposing writer both in stature and intelligence. She talked and wrote me a letter that was probably the sweetest, most sincere letter I received. The letter was some great advice about life and marriage and for that I thank her so much. She has always prayed for me, and to this day we still keep in touch time to time.

So here's a toast to 'T'.

Jun 21, 2007

A Dream to Destiny

Two things.

First one is housekeeping around here - there's a blog for the California reception: gmcareception.blogspot.com (ignore the bold - just for visual readability).

Second: Alot of us have a dream, but many of stay in that dream and not fulfill our destiny. What do I mean? Read Genesis the story of Joseph - he got a dream at 17 and fulfill his destiny at 30 ruling over Egypt.

Makes you ask yourself, "Do you have dreams?" Dreams of changing the world? Getting married? Doing something you are passionate about?

Did you know God has BIGGER, BETTER dreams for you? Where do you think our aspirations and desires come from ultimately? From God. However, most people are just dreaming most of the time, and never fulfill their calling, their destiny.

But in order to fulfill your destiny, you MUST pass some tests. The first is the PRIDE TEST. Joseph ebbed pride immediately:

37:5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, they hated him even more. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had:There we were, binding sheaves of grain in the middle of the field. Suddenly my sheaf rose up and stood upright and your sheaves surrounded my sheaf and bowed down to it!” Then his brothers asked him, “Do you really think you will rule over us or have dominion over us?” They hated him even more because of his dream and because of what he said."

We must learn to be humble or we'll end up making everyone around us mad!

Few points in this study.

•One, you must deal with your pride before you can fulfill your destiny.
Moses was regarded as the most humble man on earth by God - and he was leader of a 2 million+ tribe. Joseph eventually was into slavery, and thrown into prison and went through alot of heartaches. BUT during that time, he learned about God.

Our pride shows our inadequacy. We tell people we are destined for greatness because we doubt ourselves. That's why we need to KNOW God. If you were a beggar and you know of a king in a hill nearby - and found out he became a beggar to spend time with you and live with you just to KNOW you - would you not be touched? What if you were asked by the king to live in the castle? What if the King would give us life for you? After all that, would you need to tell everyone you ARE LOVED BY THE KING through bragging? When we forget about God, we need to build a shield, a wall between us and others because we worry about intimacy. We don't want people to know that we are needy, broken people who need a life change in God.

You don't have to tell people who you are to BE WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. If you can't get this, you will only be living a dream. Don't brag. Does the president walk around telling people, "I'm the president." To the secretary of state? To the press corp or the secret service,"Ya'll know I'm the president riiiight?". Nope. It can be revealing when a person HAS TO TELL EVERYONE about what they do, what their title is BECAUSE in reality they doubt themselves, they don't know if they fulfilled their destiny, or quite possibly - they AREN'T who they say they are, just a charade. Our boast is in Jesus!

Jun 19, 2007

California Dreamin'

Well, a few more weeks and once again, I will be gracing the land of California.

I miss it for the weather, but I miss it more for the friends, and families that are there. Michele and I will be doing our second wedding reception there. It will be alot more casual and relaxed. No tux, no formalities, just good company and fun.

A few of my friends mentioned they wished M and I were back in California. Well, so do I at times. I miss them, but for now this is where God has me. Who knows what adventures lies next?

Jun 15, 2007

Passing of Ruth Bell Graham

Billy Graham's wife passed away quietly.

But her faith spoke loud and bright.

I never met her, but the legacy she left of a life lived for God got me talking with Michele this morning. With God's help, we will live a legacy like the Graham's. With purpose, faith, and love.

I never met Mrs. Graham, but I could tell her love for God inspired me.

Jun 3, 2007

Random ramblings

What transpired?

What's on my mind?

I guess the first one: Michele and I are finding biking to be an enjoyable and productive means of bonding. We went biking for about 10 miles and then did a bit of off roading. Enough off roading to kick up some mud and it reminded me how much fun biking is WHEN YOU GET TO BIKE WITH SOMEONE. I did my share of biking in California, but never got a buddy to go exploring with me.

Two, Corey called and we had a good talk. Always good and fun talking to him - even after shopping at Traders Joe!

Three, Lebron amazed me with his playoff performance.

Four, great message at church. It's your turn now. What is life REALLY if you don't have a PURPOSE? I mean just the mere idea of us as a carbon beings contributing to the CO2 cycle and utilizing resources on this earth sounds very depressing. We each are wonderfully made, but more importantly - we have a purpose. Michele and I've added a weekly bible study: the 40 days of purpose has been modified to 40 weeks of purpose. Each week we remind each other of the week's verse, and thought. We're focusing on a few goals to reach out to our neighbors...and praying for them.

9. Steve Jobs said: “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

People who know their purpose don't waste time.