Jun 21, 2007

A Dream to Destiny

Two things.

First one is housekeeping around here - there's a blog for the California reception: gmcareception.blogspot.com (ignore the bold - just for visual readability).

Second: Alot of us have a dream, but many of stay in that dream and not fulfill our destiny. What do I mean? Read Genesis the story of Joseph - he got a dream at 17 and fulfill his destiny at 30 ruling over Egypt.

Makes you ask yourself, "Do you have dreams?" Dreams of changing the world? Getting married? Doing something you are passionate about?

Did you know God has BIGGER, BETTER dreams for you? Where do you think our aspirations and desires come from ultimately? From God. However, most people are just dreaming most of the time, and never fulfill their calling, their destiny.

But in order to fulfill your destiny, you MUST pass some tests. The first is the PRIDE TEST. Joseph ebbed pride immediately:

37:5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told his brothers about it, they hated him even more. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had:There we were, binding sheaves of grain in the middle of the field. Suddenly my sheaf rose up and stood upright and your sheaves surrounded my sheaf and bowed down to it!” Then his brothers asked him, “Do you really think you will rule over us or have dominion over us?” They hated him even more because of his dream and because of what he said."

We must learn to be humble or we'll end up making everyone around us mad!

Few points in this study.

•One, you must deal with your pride before you can fulfill your destiny.
Moses was regarded as the most humble man on earth by God - and he was leader of a 2 million+ tribe. Joseph eventually was into slavery, and thrown into prison and went through alot of heartaches. BUT during that time, he learned about God.

Our pride shows our inadequacy. We tell people we are destined for greatness because we doubt ourselves. That's why we need to KNOW God. If you were a beggar and you know of a king in a hill nearby - and found out he became a beggar to spend time with you and live with you just to KNOW you - would you not be touched? What if you were asked by the king to live in the castle? What if the King would give us life for you? After all that, would you need to tell everyone you ARE LOVED BY THE KING through bragging? When we forget about God, we need to build a shield, a wall between us and others because we worry about intimacy. We don't want people to know that we are needy, broken people who need a life change in God.

You don't have to tell people who you are to BE WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. If you can't get this, you will only be living a dream. Don't brag. Does the president walk around telling people, "I'm the president." To the secretary of state? To the press corp or the secret service,"Ya'll know I'm the president riiiight?". Nope. It can be revealing when a person HAS TO TELL EVERYONE about what they do, what their title is BECAUSE in reality they doubt themselves, they don't know if they fulfilled their destiny, or quite possibly - they AREN'T who they say they are, just a charade. Our boast is in Jesus!