Jun 3, 2007

Random ramblings

What transpired?

What's on my mind?

I guess the first one: Michele and I are finding biking to be an enjoyable and productive means of bonding. We went biking for about 10 miles and then did a bit of off roading. Enough off roading to kick up some mud and it reminded me how much fun biking is WHEN YOU GET TO BIKE WITH SOMEONE. I did my share of biking in California, but never got a buddy to go exploring with me.

Two, Corey called and we had a good talk. Always good and fun talking to him - even after shopping at Traders Joe!

Three, Lebron amazed me with his playoff performance.

Four, great message at church. It's your turn now. What is life REALLY if you don't have a PURPOSE? I mean just the mere idea of us as a carbon beings contributing to the CO2 cycle and utilizing resources on this earth sounds very depressing. We each are wonderfully made, but more importantly - we have a purpose. Michele and I've added a weekly bible study: the 40 days of purpose has been modified to 40 weeks of purpose. Each week we remind each other of the week's verse, and thought. We're focusing on a few goals to reach out to our neighbors...and praying for them.

9. Steve Jobs said: “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”

People who know their purpose don't waste time.