Jun 22, 2006

You know those credit card commercials?

Here's mine:

2100 miles
38 hours of driving
10 refills on the gas tank
8 Monster Energy drinks
Subway Sandwhiches


Well, it started in San Luis Obispo with goodbyes to my co-workers, friends at Grace Church and many others.

Then off I went, with a faithful guy - Daniel L (kid is only 16 but you won't find a better guy on planet earth). He went along to keep me company, keep me awake, and I found out he really likes Subway sandwhiches. I couldn't have done it without him, and my love Michele agrees: Daniel you are awesome.

Anyone who is going to read this post is going to find some journaling here very much the same - so I'll skip the extras and get to the heart of the matter.

First week here wasn't easy. Had to move out of my apartment to another one because of a mysterious water leak and it smelled the apartment up like a sewer leak. Niiiice. Then I found out - there's not much DSL here. That's another niiiiice since I need broadband for work, which I'm also eager to do.

Finding my groove, my routine is important. Change is always difficult, but someone said life CHANGES whether we like it or not, but personal progress/change is not. That is a matter of the will. God has been very, very good to me. In my doubts whether I done the right thing ( you think about that alot as a Christian) in alllll my phone calls for customer reps from phone to cable it has been gals named, "Michele". How's that for coincidence? I think it's God saying, "Hey, I'm watching over you."

Psalm 2 reminded me the Christian life is truly of faith / belief. If I started let the doubts, discouragement I would make a God a liar basically saying he sent me to the MidWest to mess with my life. God has goodness for us...we just have to walk with Him on a daily basis.

Yes, it was discouragingw with my long trip, infection on my knee and the apartment switching, but I am THANKFUL for email because it keeps in touch with alot of you. I will make it a habit to post to keep in contact with everyone.

I do miss everyone, but building a new life out here in the MidWest has some benefits, namely a gal called Michele.


Questions: How is Rockford different from SLO? People are certainly more friendly here...I think I will be making oodles of friends soon enough. The weather is the one that certainly throws me off. Thunderstorms one moment, and then a few hours later bright sunshine. One thing I will not enjoy here: humidity.

How is it so far? I really have to say, finding a routine, and schedule will help your transition. I don't know how personally people can move anywhere by themselves and then find it hunky-dory. It doesn't work that way with me, but with Michele on a daily basis helps. We're transitioning into a couples life. I think it will help ease into marriage.

Well everything should be coming down the pipe: a new computer monitor, broadband, office furniture and then getting back to work, which I am excited about again. I hope everyone at the Parable knows I am praying for them and my many friends...that I have not forgotten.