Apr 24, 2007

New Blog Banner

You might have noticed a new blogging banner with dog tags and the idea of REMEMBER OUR TROOPS.

I was sadden to recognize the truth of a Marine's comment that the students and VTECH seem to get more national recognition than our troops. Yes, the lives of the students were indeed valuable, but US troops die many times, and Americans just go about their day as if nothing happened. I sometimes do, and I've been active in supporting our troops with fundraising events.

I hope we didn't lose the sadness of our troops dying. Yes, it's war and that's part of the situation, but our support for the young men and women who defend this country should be held with sacred remembrance.

May God watch over them, and bring them back safely. May America also support their mission even when politically differences come into play. The troops don't make policies, but we need to give them the support, money, and backing they RIGHTFULLY deserve.