Dec 25, 2007

My wife the guitar hero

Ok, first of all I would never guess Michele was a video game fan.

Secondly, I never thought she'd be turned into some raging, metal head, rock-god either, but you learn something new everyday about your spouse.

It was a very ordinary Christmas gathering at Michele's grandmother's house. Christmas food, festivities, and then Dominick and Matthew (Michele's cousins) brought over the new Nintendo Wii system. The first hour was pleasant and actually endearing seeing everyone from grandmother to aunt do bowling with the nunchucks. There was lots of chuckles and some actual smiles how this game system brought the entire family together.


...someone brought out Guitar Hero 3.

I've heard of it, and knew it was popular. Michele was pretty much ho-hum about it until a few songs came up.

Songs by Poison and Pat Benatar..

None of us did very well hitting about 20% accuracy until Michele hit rock-god status with Pat Benatar's "Hit me with your best shot".

She started hitting all the chords and climbed higher and higher on the 'star scale' and the entire room got into a rock stadium fervor building like a full on Pantera concert. She was getting better and the guitar licks coming on strong....I couldn't believe it. MY WIFE A SLASH! MY WIFE THE LONG HAIRED BAND GUITARIST!

Michele after 5 tries hit 89% on Pat Benatar..and we erupted like metal-heads when she finished the song after about five tries!

I chuckled, my wife the Guitar Hero.....and I was her biggest fan. REALLY talented and gorgeous melting hot.