Aug 20, 2009

Health Care - address the rising costs first before fixing the system

I believe in a health care tier system that is not just simply universal coverage, but a health PLAN and MOVEMENT.

Money thrown at any problem without some thought and some serious planning will just be money wasted. With the current health plan: I don't like it because it's the SPEED of it's planning and not the planners themselves. It's like Bill Gate's view of charity: you won't get any money unless you show me results and a return.

I know throwing a trillion dollars anywhere will encourage fraud and abuse of the system, that's exactly why I am not happy with the SPEED of the Democrats RUSH to implement this system. Moving too fast without serious thought doesn't happen in less than a year.

It's this 'trigger happy' mentality, like the stimulus package, that have 60% of Americans thinking the stimulus didn't do squat. The true results can't be measured, but people are doubtful and rightfully so. Whether it's Republicans throwing a trillion or Demomcrats we all should raise a stink for accountability and demand it's effectiveness and that entails planning.

I hope the government is addressing the reason why health care is so expensive first.


1) For working families (e.g. like a single mother with children with three jobs) I think health care should be subsidized for the coverage of families by the Federal and State government). Any parent working two jobs should be be covered - by the government and tax payers (I'd be willing to see that through). This group should not be penalized when they are truly trying to make it. Children should never suffer from hunger, or the lack of health coverage regardless of their household's ability to afford it. It's our way of helping preserve the family and protecting America's future by investing in our children.
RESULT: protecting America's future - her children

2) Stricter accountability: If you have a history of laziness, and you are not willing to work and are able - no health care. You're on your own. You will always have a group who kills the system because they 'leech' off the system. I honestly believe if you are capable of working and you don't do it: you don't deserve food or health care. Get off your behind and work. Also establish an internal audit system that is done by outside companies, not the government.
RESULT: you don't have the choir telling you how great of a job you are doing.

3) Doctors and hospitals should be protected more from lawsuits with a maximum amount you can be sued for and number of times they are sued. We can't be willy-nilly about bad doctors like Michael Jackson's doctor (what a shame!!!) either. Tighter regulations and regular standardized testing should be nationally implemented. Increasing the number of qualified doctors will drop the number of lawsuits and give credence to a cap-limit on lawsuits. Doctors who are bad should be allowed to bring their abilities up to standard or be barred for life from practicing medicine.
RESULT: less money for attorneys, but lower costs for everyone.

4) Increase scholarships/funding for students across the nation to build up the number of doctors, nurses and workers in our hospitals. If you have someone who truly wants to be a doctor for healing as a career(not cosmetic surgery doctors) you should have every opportunity for it. RESULT: Health care is a commodity and you must increase the supply side to meet the demand. This will offset sky rocketing costs because you have 1 doctor for every 500 people currently and you can raise that total to 10 doctors per 500. RESULT: more doctors, nurses means lower bills and greater access to health care for all.

5) Elderly or older Americans regardless of work history, or income should be able to find health care in this country. You should live your golden years with dignity and care. In Asian countries the children, and grandchildren do this, and China has no nationalized health care system, the point is this: Americans should be able to live their golden years with a sense of dignity. This should be a national policy and will give a higher regard for life. We don't throw away our elderly Americans.

6) A national movement of health and exercise centers across the United States. People are less and less educated about food and exercise than before. I think it's because of our busy lifestyle we don't stop to cook anymore and we rely on cheap, easy microwave food that is stored in plastic that seeps chemicals and preservatives that is slowly killing our body (like drinking a drop of arsenic everyday). RESULT: reduce the cost of health care and the strain of providing health care for 'self-induced' health problems and shifting it to 'priority' patients. Granted, not every case is the same for someone with health problems (some obese patients have emotional problems and they turn to food), but food is only a coping mechanism and not the solution to our problems.

7) Simplify the billing system. Who truly understands them? RESULT: Less fraud, and easier to read. A complex system always give reason to 'false experts'.

8) A paradigm shift of addressing the root of our health problems and educating doctors on the importance of nutrition. Doctors all agree: they PRACTICE medicine. That means sometimes they 'try' different methods and they don't entirely work. Sometimes they throw a dozen pills until they find out it works. I've never had a doctor ask, "You have this rash - what changed in your diet or environment?"

The doctor put me through half-dozen creams and pills and gave up. IT was only a herbal specialist that solve the SOURCE of the problem. If you're tired and you weigh two hundred pounds more than you should - changing your diet and exercising is only the first part, but what emotionally BROUGHT you to that state?

9) View food for what it is: it's to be enjoyed and a source of fuel. We have made food a 'time waster' and something that must be integrated into our busy lives. It's not. It's an opportunity to enjoy food for what it is: eating it with friends and family. I love the Europeans: they sit down for two hours and converse. We've allowed food to be 'cheapen' and we will now allow all sorts of junk to go into our bodies for the sake of speed and convenience. For your own sakes spend time with someone who loves to cook and you'll find one of the deep treasures of life: a meal with someone you care about.