Aug 17, 2006

Was I going to hurl?

5:45pm: I was getting sick. My stomach felt like those poor blokes on James Cameron's ALIEN movie when baby aliens would wiggle their way into some victim's body. I was hoping to just get through this without barfing.

The whole plan already was set into place, but I was afraid there might be a slip-up. I was sitting at my desk staring at THE emails coming in and thought about the plan.

2:00pm: I dropped by the store to pick up the ring. I was very excited about it. It was custom-made and had an almost flawless stone.

I was ushered in, and the lady smiled sensing my anticipation - and brought out the ring. The cuts were perfect. One diamond in the middle surrounded by ten smaller diamonds. CHECK OFF RING.

I've already made arrangements with a dozen roses and a sign that read "Michele, will you marry me?" at a local eatery near the church. The waitresses were more than eager to go with my plan and thought it was 'romantic' and 'cute'. CHECK OFF TEAM.

I devised an elaborate plan where I would burn the dinner and make an excuse to just go out since dinner was at 6:00pm, and worship/communion was at 7:00pm. I would have to do a 'method acting' to convince Michele and make sure nothing was suspicious. Sure enough, when she came home at 5:00pm, she found the lamb chops burnt to a crisp on the pan and Mr. Grumpy.

5:15PM: I came over and acted fustrated and mad at myself. She said we should try to eat it, I said no. She then noticed I was 'down' and offered to cook dinner. She suggested making salmon patties - and she could do it in ten minutes - I said no again. I was pretending to get more irate and have her wilt to my schemes. I pointed the logic in going to eat at this local eatery since it was on our way to church.

Out of pity, she relented with concern concern for 'Mr. Grumpy'.


6:15PM: We were driving over, and I was continuing my Oscar-worthy performance. I pretended to be impatient and irate. Michele was being a trooper and being Miss Cheer. I was Mr. Grumpy. I could tell she was really concerned and it took all of me to not laugh.

I opened the door at the parking lot, only to catch on the corner of my eye, the gift bag from the jewelry store. I cussed silently, my cover could be blown. Michele didn't notice it, and we walked inside the eatery - and I was greatly relieved.

We were standing in line, I saw one of the waitresses. The cashier noticed I winked at the waitress - probably thinking I was flirting, when in actuality I was signaling her. Michele notice me quickly ordering, I turned and huffed to her, "Aren't you ready to order?". She ordered and I had to quickly turn around because I was giggling so hard, to not laugh.

I escorted her to the table and pulled a chair for her to make sure her back WAS FACING THE WAITRESSES.

6:30PM: We talked a bit at the table and I made up a story about the fustrating day at work. Michele listened with patience hearing me rant and rave. After several minutes our order came, but Michele noticed we didn't have water. She got out of seat to get some....but I rushed in insisting she sit down.

As I turned the corner, I noticed the two girls holding the roses and sign. They were bug-eyed ready to round the corner. I motioned to them to wait. They nodded as I frantically asked on the of waiters to find me a glass of water.

I came back with one glass, and mumbled to Michele, "They are coming with the othe glass..." and before I could finish Michele got up. Mr. Grumpy turned to Mr. Panic, and right on cue the two waitress came out. Michele stood shocked. And then she read the sign and she turned red and then I got down on my knee and asked, "Michele Skolrood, will you marry me?"

Michele exclaimed with a huge smile, and said, "Of course-- yes!"

The entire eatery clapped as we kissed.


During the coversation Michele leaned over and hit my arm, "This entire time it was an ACT!"

I laughed, "Yep."

"And you burned perfectly good lamp chops."

I shrugged my shoulder, "I had made the whole deception genuine. They were $6.00 only."

Michele wrinkled her nose and smiled, "I even felt bad for had me going, I had no idea."


Later we worshipped, and I could feel Michele grab my hand at a song with a verse "..thank you for the blessing in my life." That's what it's about...a relationship bound by value, heart, soul, and Christ.


Later that night Michele said something to me that made it all worth it, "I will never forget this day...Gordon Wong."

Same here Michele.