Sep 1, 2006

HIPPIE COUPLE - like-minded.

Michele and I have our hemp.

We pop our pills.

We are health nuts. A Christian granola couple.

The hemp is a cereal from hemp seeds - not the same as weed everyone! The pills are natural food supplements and I pop about 16 of these a day.

The pills have cured my skin infection on my knee that has bugged for me one year. I literally spent over 5g's fighting this and it wasn't until I went to a nautropathy doctor that there was a breakthrough. I went through five different anti-biotics and numerous one hundred dollar tubes of skin cream before i got a handle on this. The pills are all vitamin foods -- by a Dr. Robert Thiel, who has publicly declared he cured 96% of his patients...and I'm one of the 96%. Check him out at

I look back and have to thank God he put someone with a consciousness of healthy living into my life. I firmly believe today many people are too medicated and alot of health problems are self-induced. We are literally dying in our riches. We will eat junk so we can spend time making more money - and the long term it's going to cost you later dearly. We ignore the only one vehicle we can exist on planet earth and we will pay a price. We pay already pay a price for our souls...with the ignorance of a moral compass.


One another note - growing closer allows for great hilarity. Michele and I are a bunch of kids when it comes to humor...and here's one that brings us to giggle like high school kids. (COPY AND PASTE INTO YOUR BROWSER ADDRESS BAR)