Sep 5, 2006

Earthquakes or Tornados? Vanilla vs. Chocolate

Well, this Labor Day was certainly different.

I spent the afternoon dodging the biggest raindrops I've ever seen and nickel-sized hail. Right after our church's block party - Michele and I scrambled out of the parking lot in the middle of a rainstorm. In the process we were soaked. Then driving - I was absolutely facinated with the weather conditions: it was baaaad.

Bad for a Californian. I'm am accustomed to seeing sunny days, and having warm sunshine basking over my skin.

Later that day when we got home - I turned on the tv to discover that a tornado touch-downed a mere one mile away from where we were driving.

Which brings me to the question. Vanilla or chocolate? Or in California we use to ask, "Earthquakes or tornados?" I replied consistently, "Tornados. With good reason: you get some warning. Earthquakes just happens and it's the most terrifying feeling ever. You don't feel like you're in control."

The first Illinois storm I went through - it spooked me. I never heard thunder like this! It sounded like God was dropping mirrors from heaven.

Then -every storm - after that was just water off a duck's back.

Even while watching the newscast I was pretty calm.....and I even did think if the tornado moved towards Michele and I what we would do: hide in the closet debating about chocolate or vanilla.