Sep 25, 2006

"It is better to pay the price of endurance, than the price of drifting."

- Bill Hybels

Funny how things come full circle. I heard a great message by Bill Hybels, and that quote got me thinking.

Thinking that quote the following morning after I saw my knee's rash was coming back.

I was getting discouraged. I thought I was near the end, and then the itching came back.

When I got to Michele's apartment, I told her about it briefly. She could tell I was down.

A few minutes later, I went into the living room for some solitude - fell down my knees to pray. I was tired of fighting this knee. It's been a year, and thousands of dollars spent - and the person I know who could help was God. A few minutes passed as I was praying quietly, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Michele knelt right next to me.

Michele wrapped her arms around me as we bow silently, and I saw a glimpse of what Christ loved. A bride who will kneel next to Him, and be ready to identify with him. Loyalty, love, faithfulness, and such nobility.

When I finished, praying - I looked to Michele and my heart was so moved and touched. Her face streamed tears, and she whispered, "I'm so sorry about your knee." I couldn't help but be a bit overwhelmed. My Michele was identified with me, my pain hers....I was struck with a bit of awe.

I can tell my future kids, and my grandchildren - your mother was noble. She was radiantly beautiful and so devoted.
You are wonderful Michele.