Sep 26, 2007

The new job

Alot of people are curious.

What do you do Gordon?

I am in charge of design, and design management for four lines of toys.
1) Sesame Street
2) Bob the Builder
3) Nickelodeon
4) Private line

It's a good move, it builds my resume and portfolio. The opportunity to work with vendors like tv shows is a huge boost to any career. Props and thanks to God.

The work is immense and the workload of frantic. Just the way I like it.
I go into work put my nose the grindstone and then look at the clock and I'm done.

The people are great and I enjoy my work. Michele and I are very much in the groove of getting acclimated to the newest city.

A few things I noticed.

1) Give yourself time to get acclimated. Driving 14 miles and taking 45 minutes to get there took some time. I ended up using my time wisely with books/cd. Might as well entertain myself or at the very least educate myself.

2) You must keep you priority straight. The weekends and the time with your wife and family becomes more important. Buy up the opporunity.

3) Relax and move. After a few hours in the car, and the office you have to get the blood pumping. Eating right, sleeping your hours and resting is super important.