May 4, 2010


Once in a while you'll take a shower and then it just hits you.

That thought of 'duh!'.

For me it was about my comments about my wife:
• careful on the hair, you're burning it...
• use proactiv instead of rubbing alcohol for pimples..(valid)
• do this...
• don't do that..

Started nagging her like a old woman with nothing to do.

Then I realized that I was more critical lately than uplifting. I had to have a change of mind.
• I called to ask Michele's forgiveness
• I said I loved her and admitted my critical spirit lately
• I had to humble myself

Such a course of action was needed and dramatically too, things like this can be the 'driving wedge' between a relationship or more importantly a marriage. If you get use to your 'correctness' and there were some points I was correct, but the spirit of my admonishments were wrong.

Admittingly, I could excuse the recent comments as part of stress or whatever, but it doesn't matter: God is against the proud, but gives Grace to the humble. Pretty easy choice. I don't like being against God in any situation.

The other thing is this: I aim to safeguard and protect our marriage. A woman is only what she can be as the result of the 'feeding and nurturing of her husband'. If I keep being critical it'll eat away at Michele and that's simply wrong.

I was wrong in my words, and I've learned.

James said words are more powerful than we can imagine: hurtful words are described as 'as if set by hell fire itself' - it's simple interpretation: it's a blazing-white hot fire with destruction in it's path. Seen a forest fire? It's devastating. The power and speed of it is simply awesome.