Sep 10, 2010

9/11 anniversary - reflection


Nuts. There's always people who are stupid. Based on what I saw so far - you're a pastor of a church that has 50 or less members and this sounds like a publicity ploy. He's willing to endanger our troops, our country and ruin the work of sincere Christians. Bullying the Muslim community on the Ground Zero mosque is not playing the role of an ambassador for Christ. Absolutely insane, irresponsible and self-centered righteousness. The only thing he inspired was a constant-gay bashing church to take his place if he doesn't do it.

As an American, I've found the Muslim community as responsible citizens of the United States. There are Muslims serving in the arm forces, and Muslims also died during 9/11. It's not American to stereotype a people when so many have pledged their allegiance to this nation and it's constitution. As an American we are one when we respect the laws of this nation, and are willing to defend the constitution. I may disagree with the Muslim American on certain things, but as one American to another - they are Americans and they have my respect as any loyal American. It was a Timothy M, a white American who committed a terrorist act before any Muslim American. Are there fringe element individuals out there in America? Yes, but like with any group with their ideology some are harmful and some are harmless, but as a whole Americans were accepted warmly by Muslims.

To this day, I am involved with an organization with pro-bono work to raise money for military families with spouses in the theater of war. Most people think because you work for the federal government that you will get the best benefits for health, and support. Not so. Not every soldier coming back is normal emotionally, physically or mentally. The ravages of war is beyond our comprehension - seeing your buddies blown apart, sleeping in a wooden box/shed in 105 degree heat, or driving in a vehicle staring at the picture of your loved ones while eyeing the road for an IED. Any arm force members will always get a handshake from me and my gratitude. You're not forgotten.

I find it sad we've forgotten as Americans we have enemies. We've become soft in our approach to what life is - there are battles. We don't live in a safe world entirely and there are people who will hate us. We shouldn't live in the fear of that and let fear drive us however, we should come together as Americans once more.