Sep 27, 2010

Ignoring the natural world

Today's soil fertilizer - man-made consists of (M, P, K - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) but soil requires 52 minerals for the right soil to produce optimum conditions.

Would you bake a cake with 3 ingredients, but skip the 49 remaining? THe obvious conclusion is a food supply missing huge nutritional value and missing components in a cake, or a car will have consequences.

Why does the corporate farms, the food industry and government ignore this simple fact?

Because it's our arrogance tied into 'man's genius' and thinking we know better. It also doesn't make anyone money. If you can skip out 49 ingredients and still grow food that looks ok, but is missing the missing components no one sees -- it's good for shareholders.

Here's the main thought: research and take responsibility in reading you will find the establishment of man comes to a point where it's not cutting-edge knowledge, but the protectionism of power, and money. Morally, if you grow food, or supply medicine you must respect how the world really operates. Taking the major components of soil which translates into proper nutrition in our foods is morally wrong. God never intended it that way, and we ignore the process in the false pretense of science, and greed.


That's the trouble living in a world where there's an establishment and a billion dollar industry that has it's tentacles in food, and medicine. The drug industry world-wide is a 1/2 trillion dollar industry [foodmatters].

Bill Williams founder of AA suffered greatly from depression - a friend, a medical researcher suggested he take Niacin (B3) and in huge quantities and the result? He was cured of depression. WHAT IF niacin takes out the profit margin of a company by $300 million dollars? You'll never have the medical establishment advocate this idea of taking high dosages of niacin. Yet, why isn't the medical community exploring this idea if there is remotely a possibility? Because the medical schools, the FDA, the testing labs and medical journals are all lined and directly linked to the giant drug companies of today.

There's a huge protectionism of power and the suppression of knowledge that there is a huge link between nutrition and health.

The Hippocrates said, "Let thy foods be thy medicine". He also believed the body had an innate ability to heal itself if given the proper time and nutrition, yet despite doctors being taught the Hippocratic oath why isn't nutrition emphasized more?

There is a suppression of the 'natural world knowledge'. If you understand how the natural world there is a design. Many problems related to health is 'GIGO' in old computer terms: 'garbage in, garbage out'.

Case in point: Linus Pauling advocated high dosages of vitamin C to ward of colds and numerous health problems. His medical research is barely discussed today. That research is suppressed and ignored.

Mr. Pauling was no slouch either: he was a colleague of Albert Einstein and is esteemed as one of 20th century's greatest scientists and was referred by colleagues as one of the greatest minds named, 'father of molecular biology'. Yet his research into vitamin C was waved off by the medical community. Today, there are case where high dosages of vitamin C in an IV form up to 200,000 mg actually cured cancer patients.

Yet, we all know statement: 'high doses of vitamins' kill people. In the last 25 years where vitamins where prescribed only 10 people died of vitamin overdosages. You know the yearly rate of people dying of prescribed 'drug reactionary deaths'? 10,000+ per year.

I have the utmost respect for doctors - but we must reach the conclusion - an establishment doesn't mean it's always correct. In fact any establishment is always protecting itself in some form or fashion. Think about how a doctor would feel if half his patient could be cured and healed by proper nutrition and exercise? Conclusion: it would make him less important.

Imagine if some health issues could be cured by proper nutrition - what would that do to the drug industry? It would have a crippling effect.

The issue three-fold. One, we ignore the natural world with 'science' at our own peril. There's a natural consequence if you bake a cake with only three ingredients. How good is your food when your fertilization of your soil is missing 49 key ingredients? Secondly, the establishment in any entity should make you pause. The knowledge they possess will always be protected if you challenge it. Why don't drug companies throw up their hands and say, "In Japan we find that people are living upwards of 90 plus years and you should do what they do." instead of shoving drug after drug our way to a life-time commitment of heart-disease medications? Profit . Thirdly, we allow ourselves to be fed whatever comes our way because we fail to take responsibility.

The greatest mastery a person can undertake is mastery of themselves and respect the natural world and it's design.