May 3, 2009

2nd Chance Love

I looked at my wife MIchele the other day and realized something.

You got a second chance buddy.

Sometimes, in life you look back with regrets. Maybe it was something you could have done, should have changed, or wished for something different.

I realized I was given another second chance in life. Maybe even more. I made my share of mistakes, my share of stupid things and somehow, some way I have to credit God with another chance.

Another chance to cherish the moments I've been given.

Another chance to make an impact in this world.

Another chance to be a better husband and push myself even more.

It's a second chance to love, serve, aspire...

I saw that because you are gifted - yes, that's right: gifted to see life anew. Too many times we minor on the majors, and major on the minors and we let life slip away.