Jun 5, 2011


Michele and my faith is one of the most important hallmarks of our lives.

Faith, love and hope. These are three things you cannot live without in life.

In our loss, we deeply struggling with the purpose of our loss. Losing a baby on vacation sounds like the bad timing of a joke. It couldn't be worse.

Michele said, "Love of any significance costs something." She explained in essence of us to maintain our integrity despite our sorrow, pain and agony and still cling to God is precious because it comes at such a cost. The world, it would appear we've been cheated in a random act of cruelty. For us, the reality of heaven is not lost upon us: our children are in heaven.

If one wishes to exist in faith of a world without heaven and where innocent children die without cause that's fine for them, but for my wife and I it goes against the fiber of our being.

So, our children are in a better place, but we must deal with the loss. In dealing with the loss for us to carry pain, sorrow and faith it becomes precious to God because it costs something.

If Bill Gates gave $100 dollars to a poor child, people might applaud the generous act, but a billionaire giving that means it cost very little.

It's the principle of the Kingdom of heaven: the power of the widow's mite. Something precious, glorious comes with a great cost. Always.

A person without money giving the only dollar they have is precious.
A man keeping himself pure unti the day of marriage is a gift.
Love demonstrated with a life surrender to save another.