Jul 21, 2006


Democracy of Death

There isn't any equal rights in this life. We all don't have the same talent, the same education, or the same opportunity. But we all do have the SAME amount of time.

We also like to control time, and in the process - we waste it by saying, "I'll get to that tomorrow, or do that tomorrow." There is certainly something within us to distort, or lie to ourselves that we are IN CONTROL. We're not. When time passes, we face the most democratic stroke of humanity: death.

Death doesn't care if you're rich, or poor. Black or white. Republican or Democratic. If you say 'tomatoe' as with 'to-maa-tow' or 'to-may-toe' death will touch you regardless. Death is democratic. Nothing like death to stare you in the face and make you wonder what this life is about. All of sudden, your priorities are not so important.

For one Swedish woman, at her memorial, it was a high-noon stare down.

Death, you have no claim upon me.

Death blinked. Another soul slipped through the hands of death and right into the presence of Christ. Yes, the memorial service that I was at - this lady had all these hymns she wanted us to sing. Songs about victory, songs about a beautiful place called heaven, and this wonderful place where dreams are no longer broken or taken away because God is there.

Death blinked, because Christ 'stared' him down at the high noon showdown.

It wasn't even a contest.

I take comfort in that - I will be smacking on Swedish meatballs and pickled herring with a remarkable lady who had the faith, and courage to pass that on to my future wife.

Thanks be to God...there is hope beyond the grave.

Save a place for me V, we'll smack on meatballs and herring.