Jul 6, 2006


Well, IT HAS been interesting. Life is interesting.

In the time I've been here -

...dropped some money on new furniture, and living expense. Which in the schemes of things is not all that bad. California is sooo much more expensive than Illinois. My rent for a 1200 sq ft apartment is $550.00 and homes are about $150,000 here. Food is relatively inexpensive and so is gas.

...supported Michele after her grandmother was rushed to the emergency. Doctors find a hole in her appendix. That's never good, and the prognosis was bad at first, but for 83, she impressed me. It's really the prayers of soooo many people.

...Michele's parents came over for dinner, and I just sensed there was so much bad news, I decided to make it fun. I asked Michele's dad for permission of their daughter in marriage. Dad gave me a hug...I guess that means it went well. :OP
We asked Michele's ma to plan the wedding. She squealed with delight.

...as a cheer-u up event, we're taking Michele's grandpa out for ring shopping. He use to be a jewel buyer and we thought it would cheer him up since his wife is not there.

...weather has been SLO-like. Not a drop of humidity this week. I am blessed! Michele and I went to the 4th of July fireworks show and let me tell you- everyone and their mama came out. LITERALLY. Awesome show. Made me very thankful for the good old USA!