Oct 30, 2006

Simple discoveries about Love

Well, Michele and I have been together now for over a year now, and we've discovered commonality is a good builder in a relationship. Even more so are the shared interests we've discovered and the joys of it.

I've seen too many couples sit in a restaurant with nothing to talk about, and am determined that we do no such thing. We are determine to keep our relationship growing and thriving: a few highlights we've done as a couple that keeps us fresh...and it doesn't even cost much!

* Getting away to a small town and just walking around and finding shops
* Hiking in the woods and stepping on rustling leaves - Michele loves that childhood activity
* Walking in the neighborhood together talking about anything
* Sending unlimited IMs to each other on phone with phrases like, "Hi Beautiful", "Time to eat my love"
* Kissing and saying "I love you" everyday
* Complimenting each other
* Praying with one another and our families
* Being 'bad', by going out and doing our sweet tooth cheating with a run to the store for Ben and Jerry's New York Super Chocolate Chunk
* Watching cable shows like DISCOVERY CHANNEL LIVE HEART SURGERY together...yah we're both weird in that respect
* Getting a bit too excited about finding a good organic healthy soup
* Keeping our relationship playful with silliness - we post IT notes like crazy with crazy phrases to happy phrases
* Tying ourselves spiritually together
* Taking time to be a couple
* Developing our very own sign language...wouldn't you like to know?!!