Oct 31, 2006

Michele's new car

Short story: Michele gets mail of rebate offer. We noticed she never got ABS on her current car - ABS needed in snow. Tempted to trade in for 2007 model of her 2005. Didn't like offer with loan, started to sniff out new car with a zero interest loan and a vehicle $1000 cheaper.

ABS - It's must-have in snow and ice conditions. I cannot believe some car makers consider this 'optional'. Optional is for something like coffee - sugar is optional. The very idea of Michele without ABS driving in icy conditions is a bad thought. Anyone without ABS in icy conditions is playing a bit of a gamble. And the very idea of car makers taking away ABS on the base model translates to me this: "We as a car maker know you cannot afford ABS so we'll take it away and let you gamble with your life and increase the chances of an accident."

Come on car makers, exercise some social conscience. If you put more safety features you'll keep more of your customers alive.

I really pushed for this car for Michele because there were too many pros and chiefly is safety. But also it's a zero interest loan AND you'll get a discount on auto insurance for ABS and anti-theft.

So Michele is driving around in a spiffy 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander - a mini SUV. Got great ratings and review from consumers. Built on the reliable Gallant platform.