Nov 2, 2006

IMing your Father-in-Law.

Micheles's dad and I have been having a bit of fun.

With the Bears just thrashing the league and leaving little drama, I decided to play with Craig a bit. I sent him an instant message on the phone telling him I heard from ESPN that the Bears' star QB was out with an ankle injury.

Craig replied: ESPN sometimes gets it wrong...

My reply: Sent some panic didn't I (he caught the drift now)

Craig: I lost a bundle on the stock market, cut the guest list (our weddding) in half

My reply: (I laughed at that reply) We can drop annoying relatives then


I know I make a poor sub for Craig's dad on football, but I couldn't help but rib Craig a bit on his team. It was too tempting to have some fun with your father-in-law. It's like a hot apple pie on the window sill cooling off on a summer's day. Toooo tempting.

I should now tell Craig, "Did you hear Urlacher is out for the season because he went back to school to become a cheese maker for Wisconsin? I heard the school is in GREEN BAY!"