Nov 16, 2006

Whatcha listening to Gordon AND WHY DO YOU SMELL FUNNY??!

Here's a bit out of the normal discoveries this week:

Two albums that I had to get - Diana Krall - smooth as silk jazz vocals and a reminder that I'm still a California boy - Jack Johnson (surfer, filmaker, songwriter, and Mr. Talent). * I bought these songs on ITunes on the cheap.

Jack does such a great job with his simple and so laid-back it's unbelievably relaxing listening to him. He came up with a few great tracks on the Curious George soundtrack. I highly recommend checking it out for the kids. The soundtrack is pure, guileless, and a beautiful dash of naiveness (something this pragmatic world needs). I DARE you to listen to Jack Johnson and NOT feel chill! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED...makes me feel California even in the Winter. Absolutely cool and original!!! The CD ya'll should check is IN BETWEEN DREAMS.

As for Diana, what can I say about a lady that upon stumbling her first album - I predicted a Grammy. And I was right - for once in my life. Diana just ebbs classy, smooth and silky jazz - something I am not presently.

I have my doctor putting 18 patches for finding what I'm allergic to and haven't taken a shower for four days now. I get to take a shower after today, but my the doctor is going to smell MAN. Yeh, I did a few bath sponge dips, but nothing like a shower. Feelin' grungy for sure.

Michele, what??? No hugggg???