Nov 23, 2006

Thanksgiving is more than food. The word THANKS should remind us what we should be thankful for.


I am thankful to God Almighty, for all the things I have and experienced this year. I am thankful for His Grace, Protection, Mercies, and Forgiveness and that He loves mankind. Without you - I would be alone with no future... adrift.

I am thankful for my new home church Heartland. It has been truly inspirational - transformational teachings and heart-felt worship. Without you - I would not have the guidance, strength and joy to move in life.

I am thankful for a fiancee, and all the the experiences she has given, and all that she means to me. Michele, you're my angel princess, and you are truly a gift from heaven. Without you - I would be a wandering knight looking for his princess...I found mine.

I am thankful for my family and my immediate family. The Wongs, Tarquinis, Skolroods...of course, I am grateful for my mom and dad and siblings, but am also for the family that has accepted me with opened arms. God has blessed me with you all.
Without you - I would be lonely wondering what a family is about.

I am thankful for my country, the USA. I am thankful right now for the soldiers who serve abroad and are away from their families. You're in my prayers. Without my country and the men, women who serve - I would be without the taken-for-granted freedoms we enjoy in this country - a freedom to be a better human being and dream big dreams.

I am thankful for company, and the job I have. The people in the company from the executives, to my creative team and my friends there - I am thankful for you all. I prayed for you all. Without you, I would not know the model of a Christian worker and team.

I am thankful for my friends back in California, it shows distance doesn't matter. And my great fantasy football is not boring with this bunch. Without you, there wouldn't be those moments of laughter and commonality of living life.

I am thankful for my upcoming wedding - and the celebration in can be - God puts on a great wedding!

I am thankful for my doctors, and everyone who have prayed for my knee. This year long skin condition from surgery has tested my faith.

And most of all - none of this world's events, blessings, and life itself is random. It is full of purpose - and for that I am faithful to God. The life, the very breath I have is from Him. I know I've disappointed you, but you always have been there. Always forgiven, and always drawn my heart back to yourself. You are truly amazing God.