Dec 8, 2006

James Kim Paranoia

James Kim, a man I didn't know personally, died yesterday. You maybe have seen it on the news.

I'm not all that different from James Kim: I'd do anything to protect Michele, and I have a paranoia protection streak in me.

Before the tragic news happened - Michele teased me when I packed both of our cars with emergency gear for any emergency situation: matches, toolset, flashlight, energy bars, rope, duct tape, and emergency blankets (the waterproof, reflective kind outside and inside). We also have our "emergency box" stocked with more gear to last us a week.

I'd even ran Michele through the '3 MUSTS' of SURVIVAL. 1) Shelter; 2) Water; 3) Warmth. (By the way, she knew it all)

Call me paranoid a bit, but it's no longer that when you find yourself in trouble, and being prepared may give you a chance to help someone else. Being a man, you have the PROTECTOR and sometimes that does put a bit of "preparation" in you.

I ache for his children who lost their daddy: a 7 month baby girl, a 4 year old girl, a 7 year old girl and a now widowed 30 year old wife.