Dec 21, 2006

What's the Heart's Treasure?

But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. LUKE 2:19

The verses before this spoke of shepherds who ran in haste to see the child of promise the angels heralded about.

You can imagine the moment when the shepherd bursted into the manger. They are sweaty, smelly and with eyes wide-like saucers. You can see Mary, clutching her baby and Joseph in a protective stance. What’s going on?

Then the shepherd’s story sputtering speech mixed with excitement retelling their angel encounter — it dawns on Mary once again — her child is truly profound. It feels like yesterday when Joseph told her of HIS angel encounter.

How many angel encounters does a mother get? Is there more?

It’s crazy enough when babies leap inside wombs upon your arrival and people starts talking of heaven.

But you'll never forget it - these moments where the heart is alive in joy, or pain.

Moments like : Your wedding. Your first kiss. Graduation. That win you never thought possible. 9/11. When someone close to you died. Holding your child the very first time.

This was a moment you write in your journal. A moment where you connect with the next one, and from the previous see your life is with and for God Himself. It’s these spiritual moments where you can pull away like Mary from the diaper changes,the worries of money, the bad news of life – and see God through it all and He will carry you through.

The scripture is filled with God moments. Moments of despair RENEWED. The hopeless RESTORED. The weak made STRONG.

I cannot help but see Mary seeing her son on the cross, and flash backing to all these MOMENTS - these encounters with the Divine.

It’s a MOMENT that will define who you are.