Jan 30, 2008


I have to say: you cannot understand the power of prayer. You just sit back shrug, and give the thanks to God.

Two major miracles.

My sister is one. After serious head trauma, we were not looking at a good prognosis - my sister was encountering a future of blackouts, and possible serious brain damage. Many people have been praying for my sister and she was encountering surgery in the future. Without going into the details it's one of those situations where you hope for the best, but there's a certain trepidation.

THEN GOD TURNS THE TABLE: She visits the neuro-surgeon and director a one of the top ten neuroscience hospitals in the entire country and the summary is: Go home, in a year your symptoms will be ok. You shouldn't ever have to see my face again. I've seen cases like this on a daily basis and you're A-OK. No surgery by the way!

Two. A friend loses his job after a few weeks of being married and then in the middle of the recession after much prayer and encouragement - THEN GOD TURNS THE TABLE AGAIN: He gets a job in the middle of a recession!

God has truly been good. I cannot tell you the peace, and glory to know God is in control. I also know there's certain prayers that never gets answered - and its usually because we ask admist- with selfish tendencies. I know I've been guilty of that, but today I give the credit, thanks to a Living God.