Jan 30, 2008

To my Michele


To my Michele,

I know recently it's hasn't been easy and I know why...

It's hasn't been easy with the kids with their special needs, but I see it because your heart is so big for those kids. You want to see some hope, some quality of life for them, and that's why I love you: you care.

It's hasn't been easy being patient with the teacher, but I see it because you care enough that the kids getting the best possible education. You haven't lost your focus either because you see clearly when you smile a kid is in good hands (Annie's mom) and that's why I love you: things matter.

It hasn't been easy dealing with the kids either, but I see it because you have the strength, patience and compassion to work in a job where most people would shut these kids away; and that's why I love you: you show Jesus to me - where others would close their eyes, ears and heart to these kids you reach out to them.

It hasn't been easy juggling a busy schedule, but I see your commitment to me, and your role as a wife, and that's why I love you because you are dedicated.

It hasn't been easy doing all those things: cleaning, cooking, preparing lunches and that's why I love you because you work so hard.

Life hasn't been easy, but you choose to do the difficult things, and that's why I love you...you are noble in heart and don't take the easy way out. You endure with diginity and nobility and that's why I love you my royal princess.

But when life seem to be one wave after another of things NOT-SO-EASY, there are easy to things that DO come in life.

That Easy Thing is this: I can easily say, "I love you, and am so, so proud of you."