Jan 5, 2008

A reflection dedicated to my wife

I've read stories that I thought were only meant to be read in the libraries.

Stories I thought only existed in the imagination of writers of tales and story books.

Stories that begin with, "A long time ago..." of some beautiful girl who comes to some fortunate boy's life. Chapter after chapter I would read, but it wasn't for me.

Page after page, paragraph after paragraph they were stories that come true for others, but never me.

Until that day...my story came came true.

...that story, of THAT one, of a boy who sees HER, and he's walking on clouds.
...that one a boy meets and he becomes a knight fighting again.
...that one a boy meets and he's wanting to be a hero again.
...that one a boys meets and he finds strength to swim the ocean.
...that one a boy meets and he finds himself a man with her.

I thought they were stories until I met you my Michele.
One chapter was seeing your smile that cause me to read me about Life,
Another chapter seeing your heart, and feeling your touch...
And that chapter of seeing you walk to me, as my bride.
It was a the most beautiful chapter I've read.

Now, the story, the words doesn't end there,
I see the penmanship of the Master writing a new story every day,
The days you wait and greet me to the days you pray for me,
Or the days where you lay sleeping soundly and I gaze in wonder ...
that angels do fall from heaven to be with mortals.

My chapter begins with you, and I write this book of Life of ours with you and God.
Words we write together in our book will be of faith, love, truth, devotion and strength.

Endearingly, lovingly yours,
