Feb 4, 2008

Dangerous Weekend?

It probably would scare the dickens out of most people.

Climbing into a van, and the person who is driving has limited motor coordination, and sits with their neck bent almost at 90 degree angle.

But before sitting in the driver's seat Bill would get of out of his motorized wheelchair and pull himself into the seat. You feel a cry to help him as you watch his body bend like a contortionist, but you remind yourself that he's done this for years by himself.

Bill, has cerebral-palsy and has very limited motor skills, but he graduated from Illinois State with a degree in psychology. He now lives alone, is very capable and determine to make it in this world.

Michele met him in college, and they became friends and she would go visit him in later years. They stayed in contact with Michele driving out to see him, go see a movie and eat and talk about college and life. To this day my wife still does it and we did it together this weekend.

I'm very proud of her. She is not a respecter of person. The bible says we are to love all people and regardless of their background. I didn't help Bill when he moved from the wheelchair to the van.

I didn't pity him, I respected him greatly.

My second time around Bill I found him inspiring. At dinner, it took him seven times to use his fork to lift a piece of ravioli to his mouth. He struggled, angled his hand awkward to do a thing I do daily without a regard for.

Then, I realize what a person my wife is. She doesn't spend time with the popular, the powerful, but the very ordinary ones living in society's edge.

Jesus was like that too.