Feb 21, 2008

LIving your faith

You can say what you believe all you want, but if you don't live it, others don't see it, or experience it - you really don't believe it. As a Christian most people don't realize, I think the worse people in the world are 'Christians' - people who hide behind a doctrine judging people with fire and brimstone and left not a finger.

We are to make a difference in this world before all people and bless them.

This email isn't about me, it's about God living in me and doing his good pleasure. I never take credit when it's God going the goodwork - I know who I am. I am certainly not as good as people think I am.

I am thankful for God using me to just 'enhance' someone's life in whatever capacity God sees fit.



Thank you so much for your kind words. It has brought tears to my eyes. And as you know, I am more emotional now than ever!

I wanted to say to you, that you have been so supportive and understanding. I appreciate you always checking up on me and asking if I am ok or need anything. You are going be very helpful and supportive when you and wife are so blessed to be welcoming a child in this world. I wish you nothing but the best and look forward to giving you the support in return some day.

We must keep in touch while I am on maternity leave. I will do my best!
