Feb 24, 2008

How you look at it...

"I should never have had an abortion," Emma Beck wrote in a note she left. "I see now I would have been a good mum."
The note written after a British mother hung herself after having an abortion of her twins.


Two women suicide bombers who have killed nearly 80 people in Baghdad were Down's Syndrome victims exploited by al Qaida.


Alot of people call it a 'matter of perspective'. Al Quida is not that bad, and it's 'over there'. When Al Quida uses two women with Down's Syndrome, it's NOT SUICIDE, it's murder of not 80, but 82 people. Yet, you have some people accuse our president for 'War Crimes'. The USA is fighting Al Quida - admittingly the US is not always right in all areas of geo-political views and perspectives, but I think calling Al Quida evil is pretty black and white. They are evil doing what they do. You don't see the US military sending Down's Syndrome women into battle to blow themselves up.

People debate about whether a fetus is life, or not, but if many criminal cases slaps two murder charges if a mother who is pregnant is murdered, but millions of abortions are performed. It's sad that many pro-choice organizations do not tackle the history of 'pro-choice' history OR the ramifications of a woman's psychology after abortion.

Abortion's historical roots was eugenics - a philosophy stemming all the way back to Hitler's idea of eliminating disabled children, and the elderly. EARLY American eugenics were abortion clinics set up in MINORITY areas where racism believed 'certain races' needed population control through 'sterilization' and 'abortion clinics'.

Wantedness and Social Justice, by Wanda Franz, Ph.D., in her paper discuss how politics have greyed moral clearity when asurvey for the years 1994 and 1995 found in the July/August 1996 issue of the journal Family Planning Perspectives reveals a heavy racial and ethnic bias. Political figures in both Democratic and Republican declared their 'Pro-Life' stance until the votes are found plenty with "Pro-Choice"One famous African-American Democrat cried against 'racial genocide' regarding the high number of abortion among African Americans, but went 'pro-choice' as soon as he found the the votes were more there.

To me, it's hard to have moral clearity without God and the bible. The opinions of God doesn't change EVER. He doesn't go for votes, or popularity. He is Holy and His Word is a guiding principle in my life when politics are in an uproar and everyone thinks they are right. I know my lack of moral courage when I am before my God. I have nothing, but spending time with God I do know this: what's his opinion and that's the only one that matters.