Feb 11, 2008

Political Banter

Ah, political banter.

We love it. Rupublicans. Democrats. Independents.

Each thinking they are more cognizant than the other.

It's different with sports....there are opinions about the HERE AND NOW and it's all in good fun. Politics are different animal - it's more important but I've concluded I can move out of it's way in this regard: my opinion doesn't matter and everyone else's must be taken with a grain of salt.

In fact, regarding political views a proper perspective is this: any opinion, any endorsement by another person of political clout or organization doesn't matter as much as we like to believe.

What matters is history and what we learn from it.

History is the ultimate judge.

Does your endorsement or opinion of a political candidate really matter when history tells you were WRONG? All of Bill Clinton's endorsements and support prior to his presidential terms have history saying, "You were wrong about the man. He was a president given to his passions without an respect for the office."

During the pre-cursor to the American revolutionary war America was debating whether the phrase, "All men are created equal" applied to the slaves. Some founding fathers found it hypocrisy to not address the slavery issue. There were opinions on both sides, but history tells us who was wrong by the scars of racism in the annals of American history.

George Bush Jr. being criticized for the invasion of Iraq has no merit until the dust clears. Already signs of maybe the dummy knew what he was doing is showing: Al Queda's ranks in Iraq has reached a 'critical loss' (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article3346386.ece) {Past critics of the war said we initially invaded for oil. I don't know about you, but my gas prices are high, so I think history says those critics from five years ago ARE wrong.}

England in the 1930s were lauding England's PM Chamberlain proclamation that he secured peace with a German fellow named Hitle. In his time, Chamberlain was celebrated as a peace-maker, and an astounding man of diplomatic manuevers. History said he wimped out and England will never forgive him for giving away the kitchen sink and England's very survival. It's the same when anti-war critics were buzzing about saying Hitler wasn't as 'bad as thought'. History says otherwise.

Vietnam was wrong history tells us and a crazy Republican screwed up royally. America found herself bogged down and the Soviets didn't listen to history and they found the same mudhole with the Afghans.

I hope history is kind to America.

I've learned I've been wrong on my political views at one point or another. it won't be my last, but history has the last word.