Apr 5, 2009


Well, it was a long time coming. I'm finally going to be dad.

Michele and I found out we're having a baby - now we're just praying for the next 12 weeks to safe.
We are praying for a healthy child, and it's been an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs.

I do know this: I am looking forward to holding my child. Aside from the cuteness of children, the great responsibility and trust given to me as a future parent puts me in a place of humility and awe. I pray that I will be an ideal father, and a good father.

It's with this writing I want to write to my child: I am looking forward to your birth. You are a gift from heaven, and both your mother and I love you very much. We talk to you even when you're the size of a jelly bean, and we prayed for you. We prayed that we might be the parents every child deserve: loving, supportive, wise and encouraging.

We want you to know this life as we see will have it's ups and downs, but there is more to this life than what we see. Look into your heart when you're quiet and away from the distraction of life and you know your life is meant for a purpose. It's meant for dignity and inspiration. Search for it, find it, and do it a passion. You're no accident and not a chemical accident, but woven in love with wonder by God Himself. Do not look for your purpose with people they will disappoint you, but look to the heavens, to the bible and ask God there. Don't seek wisdom from men, or guidance from men, but rely upon God.

Both mom and I await your arrival, but most importantly know this: you are own, and we love you for who you are.