Mar 5, 2007

Culture and what we are thinking...

Last weekend, Michele and I went to visit her niece's 1st birthday.

Ella is pretty cute, and sweet. Her brother is smart, a ball of energy and laser precision.

Just with our upcoming marriage on our mind and being at Ella's birthday, it dawn on me: society really don't value kids.
You can find this in culture itself.

Songs - just scan the songs on the billboard charts. It's all about the things that a man, or woman is concerned with: Love. Sex. Me.

Movies - a billion dollar industry that appeals more to adults than kids, but G-rated movies gross more money and are less of a gamble than rated-R adult movies.

Nanny 911 - Michele and I couldn't help chuckle at this show seeing parents who haven't a clue to lead a household. You find out parents who are burned-out, wasted, and almost ready to give up. In all the shows we found many times the mother and father just flat-out quit on the ideal of parenting. Marriage does reveal something in us: our selfishness. If you want to do what you want - stay single and don't get involved. Get involved you'll reach a place where you must be more sacrificial. That's why there are vows.

(Sidenote: every family has problems when the dad fails as a leader in taking a pro-active approach and checked out as a dad).

I told Michele already, I want one year of selfishness before our litttle ones come. :O)