Mar 13, 2007

Wedding reflections

With the wedding approaching, there are alot of people to thank, but the early person that made such a difference on me was my dad. I didn't get to know my dad much - he was a private man, but the things he told me marked me as the man I am today.

My dad's greatest contribution to me was he embraced the idealism and opportunity of America. He came over at the age of 16 alone and eventually bought a house, got three kids into college and raised three solid citizens.

My dad taught me:

* We will cherish, value and honored the principles of the United States.
The freedoms that we have in this country inspired patriotism in me. My dad told me how he ran from the Communists and Japanese during WWII. He knew what it meant to live without freedom and under persecution. I love this country because of my father. Lessons short, simple and unforgettable.

* We will speak English in this country.
For immigrants who come to this country and fail to embrace the language of this land it's a robbery to themselves and this country. I can speak from experience the most admired people I've met are immigrants who embraced this language and the opportunities that exist in this country. My most memorable inspiration: a Mexican father who immigrated from Mexico who was a roofer who worked sixty to seventy hours a week. Put his daughter through Princeton University, and his son will be an engineer. His English was superb because he was a student in life.

* Old fashioned values with American principles
I bleed more American pie than some of my blonde haired friends, but I am certainly different in the Old World principles. I have an older soul in cherishing history's lessons and embracing the beacon of hope that constantly shine in this country.

Thank you dad.