Mar 6, 2007

My Life - being productive


People ask me how do you stay organize? It freaked Michele out when she found out I look at six month and one year planning. I'm a long-range planner. Lately, with the wedding I've slacked off a bit, but I'm getting my grip back on the track again.

A motivational speaker told me, "The most powerful thing in someone's life is the ability to make a choice and see things happen."

In order for that to happen, I can't live without my Palm Treo to write down my calendar, and now, I am going back also with my Franklin Planner. The need to review, and plan saves money and time. It's crazy to do things several times over.

Each day, I'm finding the need to re-charge, re-focus, and re-sharpen.

One of the best websites for personal sharpening is the BLOG of Michael Hyatt, CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing.
Check him out.