Jan 28, 2007

Wedding Registry

What do we pick? What do we get?

Michele and I just finished up our wedding registry. It's been tiring, but we just really had alot of fun together just taking a UPC laser gun and zapping stuff. HOW women shop for eight hours on high heels is beyond me.

We gave a wide range for gifts for people to buy in all budgets. Michele's grandmother and mother was encouraging us to ZAP ZAP ZAP as much as you can. It's like being a four-year old and going, "I want that, and that...".

It did come to a point where we were running out of ideas, and I just went nuts, and starting zapping furniture. Someone on the Italian side might just spring for something like that.

We even thought about zapping crazy items that you wouldn't expect for a wedding registry: Chuck Norris TOTAL GYM, fifty bags of potatoes chips, twenty garden hoses, but we thought otherwise.