Jan 4, 2007

Wisconsin New Year Wonderland

CAPTION "Think we can get Gordon out of the snowmobile? That hole was deeper than I thought."

Winter Wisconsin Memories: A Series of Firsts

Gordon for the first time:
...was in Wisconsin for a snowfall - as you can see by the post below - simply breathtaking
...rode a snowmobile - cautiously at first, and then wanting to be a bat out of hell
...walked across a frozen lake
...watched people play golf on a frozen lake
...ate creamed herring
...ate at ARBY'S for the first time - actually not bad....
...shoveled snow

with many thanks to the gracious hospitality of Michele's parents: Craig and Louise. I had some deep and meaningful conversations with Michele's parents' friends too.

A great New Year - doesn't get any more Americana than that: northwoods with an open fire watching football and eating great food.

Next on our agenda: the wedding.