Jan 31, 2007

Why Blog?

Five reasons why I think you should blog.

1) So you will have a working brain. Writing is a good discipline to gather your thoughts, and reflect. We live in such a wiz-bang society our brains are being rewired for a jumbled mess.

2) Keeps in touch with family and friends. I hope my kids will have a time capsule of their father and who he is.

3) Informative. Never thought it would be such a case, but people actually DO READ my blog! If I can make someone think, or challenge their thinking it makes the work worth it.

4) Keeps you growing. Stagnation in life in any aspect is horrendous.

5) It's a cheap and wonderful way to offer your 'two-cents' worth. Because it's only worth 'two-cents' - it better be free because not all us can a George Will.