Jan 27, 2007

Wilberforce - a life to be reckon with


There's a new movie coming out that I'm excited about: the story of William Wilberforce, the great Brit who labored 20 years to see slavery abolished in England. I also think it's such a cool last name: WILBERFORCE. I thought about naming my future son WILBERFORCE ASHER WONG. How cool is that??!

The film was produced by the same people who did the remarkable film about Ray Charles, so you know it's going to be a good film.

Wilberforce was introduced to me by John Piper, pastor at Bethlehem church in the Midwest. I think only with God's power, grace that a white man could stand against his peers for sons and daughters of Africa and call slavery evil. It's a life worth noting; hundreds of years a man's legacy is rarely spoken of, but here we speak of this courageous man who lived a life with reckless abandon in God's plan.

This Brit embodies the essence of this: seeing not as the majority sees, but having the vision to see WHAT CAN BE.

That's visionary.