Jan 11, 2007

Why the Essay below G?

I couldn't help after a poignant discussion with some friends of Michele's parents throw up this essay on the blog.

The topic of Christianity came up, and why Michele and I believe what we believe; and I began my explanation with an apology. First of all, I like to apologize for Christ, on behalf of Christians. We've made alot of mistakes. We have made things black and white, and many times Christians are the worse elements to the cause of Christ. Far too narrowed, far too judgmental and far to unloving. (Humility is a great place to start with inquiries of any discussion) Then I gave a few thoughts.

It was this humility that D****** came away after an hour of discussion and said, "That was the most intelligent answer I've heard from Christianity." I didn't hide behind apologetics, nor the bible, and was praying for as much sincerity I could muster because D***** was sincerely searching. You see D****'s wife is slowly dying - her body is dying.

Deep inside my heart I ached for this man, as my journey of marriage is about to start he is facing the end of his.

Makes you think doesn't it?

The essay below was written with the underlining belief that Christianity is about LOVE.

A few years ago if you ask me about Christianity I would have opened the bible and read verses.

Now I would start off with how Michele won my heart and what the power of love did to me.

The beauty of love - the love stories we've read, the movies we've wept over - is about the echoes of the human heart's yearning. A yearning to belong and love. When we lose that we lose our humanity. Courtship, marriage are all glimpses designed by God to awaken us to return to God.

Were you meant to feel so ALIVE only to lose it to death?

Is it not so cruel to find someone you adore, only to lose them after 50+ years of marriage? If you were youthful all those years of journeying together in this life with vigor would you want it to end? No. Mortaility awaits us all at some point...and that's why we grieve, but in my heart I believe the journey doesn't end.

That's why I believe what I believe: love was meant to last forever. The sacrifices of Christ, and his unfailing devotion woos us like a knight giving up his life for his love. This life only serves as a reminder of what's to come.

We were all meant to be found, rescued and loved.