Feb 20, 2007

Energy Secrets of Mine

I woke up today tired.

After twenty minutes at my six by two home gym, I was jazzed up reving to go. I highly recommend this machine at only $99 - the cost of a three month gym membership.


I've been an exercise and dietary junkie for quite some time for good reason. You only have one body, it cannot be replaced until the rapture. So you better take care of it, and it does associate with QUALITY of life.

Getting married in my late thirties made me thankful I took care of myself - so my kids won't school their old man on the court. I want to be strong, and healthy for God, my family and friends.

For those of you have any excuse to not exercise - I don't buy it. At one point in my life I was doing 40hrs of working and 20-30 hrs of ministry and I still kept up on my exercise.

Recently, our church decided to help out the local school district by buying BIGGER desks because the kids were too fat to fit. I thought it was a odd thing...shouldn't the kids be educated about diet and exercise?? Satistically 40% of kids today are overweight and of those 80% will develop type-2 diabetes. ALL preventable with exercise and careful diets.

If there's one thing you can invest in that will return dividends: God, people and your health.

There's also the dividend of smirking to yourself knowing you just schooled someone on the court.