Feb 28, 2007

The Power of the Gospel

Michele's dad has a neighbor who is dying and we know someone in the family also is facing death.

There was a bit of crying by Michele this morning with the wave of sadness, but we both took time to write a letter as a source of hope for the neighbor. We met him briefly and have been praying for them this past summer.

This is an excerpt of our letter we asked to be read to him:
(For privacy, I've excluded any personal notes)

When someone is facing death, it's difficult to find words of comfort, but I'm glad Michele and I can quickly turn to share the message of life beyond the grave with people. A world without God facing death is a world very uncomfortable sharing comfort. I think that's the firmest reason why I know I was compelled at an early age to rest my faith, life and future in a Nazarene dying on the cross: the hope beyond the grave. There is VICTORY, and HOPE beyond death.

Thank you God!

"It was told, a young, successful man was vacationing in a remote exotic location and decided to hire a tour guide. Villagers recommended this mild-mannered and humble old man as a guide.

During the course of the tour, the two men got into a conversation about life, and the young man arrogantly asked the older man about his education. The old man replied, he had none.

The young man, “Mister, if you didn’t get educated, you’re already missing out some of life.”

The old man smiled and replied, “Maybe.”

The young man pressed the issue, “Education is important. I’m afraid you’ll miss out already on 25% of your life. What about money? You have any investments?”

The old man smiled, “No. Just a simple hut, and what I have.”

The young man laughed, “No education? No investments! We’re talking about you missing 50% of life!”

The conversation pressed further with the young man asking, “Well, you surely must be famous or have some prestige here?”

The old man again replied with a warm smile, “No, I’m pretty much as you would say, ‘What you see is what you get’ “.

The young man began to seeth, “I have an Ivy education, I have money and investments that can buy you a fleet of boats and I’m known in the corporate world. Mister, you better get moving because you are missing close to 75% of your life!”

It was just then the conversation distracted the river route for the old man, and then the old man stared in horror of what was ahead: a waterfall.

The old man yelled, “Jump and swim to shore! We’re going over a waterfall!”

The young man stood in the boat frozen, “I can’t swim!”

The old man jumped into the river..swimming for shore, “Young man, you’re going to miss out on 100% of your life now!”


There is a point to this story. Life has so many layers, and in this world we are told what life is about.

It wasn’t until I was about in junior high when twice I was close to death that I gave serious consideration to what life is about.

I spent a lot of time reaching for the many things, but the one thing I am fortunate to have is the only thing that matters: Jesus.

The Bible says God knows our hearts. He knows we were meant for ONE THING. It’s not money, power, or fame. It’s for God.

Scripture says in Jeremiah, “I have loved thee with an everlasting love…”

King David in the Psalms said, “ONE THING (ONE THING) I desire is dwell in the house of the Lord.”

The ONE thing that we all must have, and ask for is Jesus. We might miss out on a lot of things in life but we must not miss out on is Jesus.

Jesus said, “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.”

Why Jesus?

Jesus didn’t come for anything but one THING: to bring us back to God. Jesus opened a way back to God because He died for our sins. His sacrifice alone opened the door back to God because He took our place at the cross.

It was at the cross – our guilt, our sins, our shame, and our sorrows was washed away in the precious blood of Christ. That blood makes everything new again.

Just ask as in Romans 10:8 says: …The word is near you…in your mouth, and in your heart.” All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart. He’s just a prayer away and it doesn’t have to be special – it’s like talking to a friend. Just be yourself when you talk to God. Be honest and open, God will not turn away a sincere heart.

If you have Jesus you have everything – it’s the one thing that doesn’t change through time.

Romans 8:31 What shall we say to these things, if God be for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered Him for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things.”

I remembered when I sat back and asked myself during a great trial and asked what do I have in Jesus? I found out I have everything in Him!"