Feb 8, 2007

Love of wife and furniture

Michele's friends, family and in regards to the both of us; we've been accused of being 'cheap'. Hardly, we're more practical. Both my wife-to-be and I have never bought any new furniture. We scrounged and scraped by modestly being single, but now with our marriage on the horizon we decided to spend on furniture to last. When we buy, we buy things for the best price at the best quality we can afford.

I fell in love with a table that reminded me of woodshop. The table echoed old classic carpentry with this dark walnut color - we found it at Target (yeh of all places). It was handcrafted, and you could see no veneer, this thing was 100% Lord planted grown trees. I wanted the table because I could see it being passed to my grandchildren, but both Michele and I didn't like the chairs that came with it. So, we spent the next few weekends looking at HIGH end, to everything in-between stores.

Finally, we stumbled into World-Market, and I saw THE chair that complimented our table. I pointed to Michele and she doubted me. I tried to convince her with my camera shots of the table THESE CHAIRS would work. She STILL wasn't convinced...and did the MISSISSIPI SHOW ME debate, and I ended up having to buy the chair, and THEN BRINGING IT TO TARGET to see if it would work. I didn't like the idea, it was too much trouble, but out of love...I did it. It was like Peter saying, "Because you said it Lord I will drop the nets down."

That started a tale Michele said, "You can tell our kids what Mom did to Daddy."

1) We purchased the chair (knowing we would have to return it) just to satisfy Michele that the chair would work with the the table. She had, had to see with the table AT TARGET. I can see me wave to the clerk, "We're not buying furniture. we've come to donate it."
2) We dropped off the chair, and Michele wheeled it in, and I parked the car.
3) The chair, worked, but I had to DRAG the chair back out and return it...because we found chairs at Target that arrived THAT DID WORK.
4) World Market decided to close early, I waited in the snow freezing wind for ten minutes banging the the door.
5) Finally returned chair and parked at the West side of Target...to find Michele paid for it all and I had to go back out and park the car on the EAST side of Target to load
6) Target shipping crammed a table, three chairs and a bench into the SUV
7) We arrive home to realize a 112lb beauty and her 'I can't believe this is happening fiancee had to move a 6 foot, 180lb dining table out the SUV in -10 degree weather at night!!!
8) After much sweat, and effort we got the table in, and set the whole thing up.
9) Man, if I couldn't tell you-it looked WAY MORE EXPENSIVE than what we paid for. This was a bargain examining the wood...you couldn't find a cheaper table or find a better quality at Ethan Allen of SOLID WOOD, no veneer dark Walnut wood.
10) Ultimately, I realized with my surrender of my will to go with my fiancee's desire to satisfy her was out of love. It's easy to love when it's easy, but when it gets to you and rubs you wrong, it's TRUE LOVE.

Hope you can drop by and have dinner with us...we'll save a setting.