Feb 20, 2007

What I am thankful for!

Attitude makes a difference - and gratefulness is a key.

You tell yourself life sucks and you will approach your day that way.
Negative thoughts and emotions will suck you dry. Look at the most successful people, they don't complain alot. They are too busy succeeding to spend time complaining!


1. I am thankful for my relationship with God
2. I am thankful for a wonderful woman I am engaged to
3. I am thankful for family, friends and the company I work for.
4. I am thankful for my email / SLO buddies !!!
5. I am thankful for my in-laws. They are great - Craig and Louise!!
6. I am thankful for children - Ella and Grant reminded me of their place in the world.
7. I am thankful for a great country to live in.
8. I am thankful I am employed by a wonderful company staffed with great people.
9. I am thankful the snow / winter is ending.
10. I am thankful for my upcoming wedding.
11. I am thankful for good friends in Ray, Tim, Corey, Jack, Mark
12. I am thankful for my old pastor, Tim T and Grace Church (and all the people)
13. I am thankful for good books to read!
14. I am thankful to exercise, walk, and live life.
15. I am thankful for opportunities in this country.
16. I am thankful for people who care: Oprah, the missionary, the counselor, U2 Bono, the boy scout, the helping neighbor.
17. I am thankful for sincere people I know.
18. I am thankful I have a Mac (hee hee).

So type a Thankful List!